NEUTER - svensk översättning - engelskt-svenskt lexikon


Meaning of neutered in Swedish english dictionary

(a gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to inanimate objects (neither masculine nor feminine)) neuter. verb. (remove the ovaries of) alter; spay; castrate;  Jämför priser på Royal Canin VCN Neutered Adult 10kg. Hitta deals från 5 butiker och läs omdömen på Prisjakt. kemik katration * catrate * catrati * deex * geld * neuter * pay * * orchiektomi en eller båda tetiklarna * katrering * neutering * gungning * gonadektomi * teriliering.

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In an open castration, the vaginal tunic—the tough membranous covering of the testicle and associated structures—is incised, allowing easy visualization of the spermatic cord. When you neuter a dog, you remove the sexual organs (testes or ovaries and uterus) that play a key role in the production of sexual hormones. The result is that a dog is no longer able to reproduce. Hormones play a vital role in the endocrine system, which is responsible for growth and development as well as ongoing health and maintenance of a dog’s structural and muscular systems. A dog who has received a vasectomy would still have testosterone and may illicit the same reaction from dogs who no longer have that level of testosterone. To the neutered dogs, the intact males smells different- and that’s cause for picking on them. Castration - the removal of the testicles.

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We say neuter for castrate and spay for hysterectomy but both surgeries stop production of vital sex hormones and increase health risks just like in people! Castration Causes Problems was the first to point out the profit motive behind castration and hysterectomy even though both have costly health consequences.

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This can help reduce the smell of male ferrets, possibly reduce aggression, and also removes the drive to mate. Vasectomy - removing a section of the sperm duct to prevent them from being able to impregnate the female. Unlike in humans, a vasectomy in ferrets cannot be reversed.

Du hittar spay vs neuter vs castrate - English Only forum. EnglishFor reasons which I understand, but which will have the effect of neutering the whole report, the Commission will, I am led to believe, be rejecting  Intact vs Neutered - Traffic sign with two options - question of castration, spaying and sterilization of pets.
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In females this is called spaying, in males this is called castration. Neutered cats live  28 Jul 2020 Canine castration, or dog neutering, is a simple surgery that small animal veterinarians Scrotal castration vs. prescrotal castration in dogs. What is neutering? Neutering male rabbits is called 'castration'.

14 Jan 2020 Neutering or spaying is a commonly recommended veterinary procedure. However, veterinarians are often confronted with conflicting findings  Neutering is the procedure done on male dogs and cats. When a male animal is neutered, his testicles are removed.
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Visa produkt. av 8. av E Vinqvist · 2017 — Dog owners may have several reasons to castrate or neuter their dog, The chemical castration is achieved with Suprelorin® (manufactured  Översätt castrated på EngelskaKA online och ladda ner nu vår gratis översättare som du (synonym) alter, neuter, spay Testis ve overleri çıkarılmış veya röntgen v.s. bir metodla cinsiyet bezleri görev görmez hale getirilmiş, kastre edilmiş. av P Pettersson · 2014 — Do you think its important/a good idea to spay/neuter dogs? In Area 25, 75 % of the respondents answered that they think it is important to castrate dogs.