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The seals are designed for applications Roxtec RM 120 WOC. $125.00. Roxtec RM 120 module without core Art. No. RM00001201000 The Roxtec B frame is an openable metal frame that is bolted together from hot galvanised steel parts to form different sizes and combinations of openings. T Any errors in print or entry are no claims for indemnity. The content of this publication is the property of Roxtec International AB and is protected by copyright. PHONE +46 455 36 67 00, > FAX +46 455 820 12 > EMAIL info@se.roxtec.com > , www.roxtec.com > Open the catalog to page 8 Roxtec Cable Entry Frames & Kits in stock at Galco!
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Power drive wall: The Roxtec CF 24 can be installed around existing cables. Switching cabinet: The Roxtec Roxtec product catalogues Tento katalog obsahuje řadu standardních produktů s výjimkou řešení Ex a EMC. K dispozici jsou další dva katalogy Roxtec, jeden představující certifikované produkty Ex a druhý popisující řešení EMC pro elektromagnetické interference a elektrické zabezpečení. Einfacher Zugang zu Roxtec Produktkatalogen, Broschüren und Leitfäden sowie Whitepapers zu Dichtungsherausforderungen und -lösungen. Roxtec Transit Designer™ er din snarvei til sikkerhet og effektivitet. Den nettbaserte, kostnadsfrie applikasjonen forenkler produktvalget og hele prosessen som omhandler kabel- og rørgjennomføringer. Roxtec product catalogues This product catalogue contains our range of standard EMC solutions for protection against electromagnetic interference and for electrical safety. There are two other Roxtec catalogues available, one presenting our standard products, except for our standard Ex and EMC solutions, and another highlighting Roxtec Catalog - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
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Typical examples are gas, smoke, dust, fire, vibration and electromagnetic interference. Roxtec offers sealing solutions that are certified by industry recognized certifying … www.roxtec.com 113 GROUP RM A-A c d Ø a Ø b 1 A A e 2 RS seal, technical information Note: All dimensions are nominal values RS 150 woc A Øa 3.6 0.142 4 0.157 4 0.157 8 0.315 26 1.024 24 0.945 CM 10w40/0. $11.97.