Southern Sami word lists YourDictionary


Det här verket har digitaliserats vid Göteborgs - CORE

WATOTTITYTI T . ww.wwce www.w . www. WHXVWS. TRAR-. WmS. wir wind www. T ue www.

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H is pronounced in the beginning of a syllable A fu rth er featu re W1I1 be fo un d in the Q u estions appe n de d. 0 = Õ / 1 = Ö. Anslutningsmodul U E 100.0). P132. P134. P136 U E 100.0). P132. P134 Det tillkommande ut- och ingångsdataordet förvaltas i AW 100 och EW 100.

Litteratur och kritiker - Samla - Riksantikvarieämbetets öppna

p. case of AJ;mad Mu~j afa [7 4] a betrothal of many years' standing was She is like a thorough-bred horse (a$Ue). As the oo er. Rasid ----c, r~.

Daily Phonics Grade 2: Evan-Moor Educational Publishers: Amazon

Copy of /oo/ oo, ou, ue, ew, ui, eu Group sort. by Ablount. Words with oo, ou, ew, ui, ue Open the box. by Salgaicas. Copy of ou, oo, ue, ew, ui Random wheel. by Carlykrhodes.

words. The words used include: oo: moon, broom, tooth, boot, igloo ew: screw, blew, brew, flew ue: glue, blue, clue oo ew ue u-e ui moon broom tooth boot. oa, oe, ow ou, oo, ue, ew au, aw. Two vowels together that make one sound. Three sounds for ea. Two ways to /oi. Three ways to spell/o/.
Hur mycket får en asylsökande i bidrag

thakve, maçi, atskat, teitexi, sɤnɤ, ue, arka, tsixvkʔvaa, harapu bete, iipɒvirɒ, hɑeɑ pixa, mooyauna, layin, égi, maere kotar, tpile tp:oo, nodo, neteme a-tiva-ta, hã, alman, wo-. b|ö dningsb e:;sgtåäees:c,spoå:e:å:rsienst:ftfte:åbsoÅ.ybtåå:neå|::iå,näFrninot:h /. j`,, }insaj u!ew :uaw a^!suauad^H u! so!} -t3]9q `9JtJuitngti -HOV `J9i§!uose|UE I en lu-års longitudinell studie i SEARCH WORDS: recensioner, läkare-.

o o o ." 0 1 0 0 0 0 . o o.
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3rd Grade Spelling Worksheets - Pinterest

45125 opak. 45126 opal 45362 ou. 45363 ouzo.